
Friday 5 April 2019

PUBLISH - and hope not to be damned

and hope not to be damned

As a self -published author, I hope to be received kindly and, judging by the response from readers, it seems that people like my writing. Nowadays, it's just not possible to get your manuscripts accepted by a publisher, you have to go through an agent, first. I must have written to well over 50 agents and, when they did reply is was the 'thanks, but no thanks' email. So, still being determined to see my work in print, I set up my own publishing company, BOGHOPPER BOOKS.

It may sound grand, but basically, it's me, working in my railway carriage studio. I have to actively engage with social media, promoting and publicising my books; store my books, then package and send them to those kind enough to buy them, and send out press releases. I promote the books when I give talks to WI, gardening clubs, U3A and other groups. I have to arrange to launch the books in the local Rye Bookshop, which has been very supportive. And... keep in touch with the outlets that stock my books to make sure they have sufficient copies. 

Then, on top of all this I actually have to find time to sit down and WRITE!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Chris! Sounds as if you are doing a great job! Well done you!
