In my last blog post I talked about the struggle I've been having with my latest work-in-progress, Blood on the Nile. Well, you'll be pleased to know I'm making steady progress and approaching the half-way mark. Whoopee! Only another 40,000+ words to go. But I've got to the point where I have to decide if DI Sonny Russell will actually have to go to Egypt. If he does travel to the Middle East, I feel it will make for an interesting read but... it will involve me in some serious research.

I've been watching a lot of documentaries about Egypt so I feel I'm partway there. It's a fascinating country with an incredible history but what's most amazing is the experts feel they've only just scratched the surface and there are still myriad treasures to be uncovered. In one programme I watched, an American scientist, using thermal imaging drones, uncovered huge areas of urban development buried under the sand. However, this is now, with modern technology, and I'm still in the 1950s, so not very far removed from the explorations of Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon and the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun. So, more research is need but that is something I really enjoy. Now to find out how Russell will travel to Egypt and who he will liaise with when he gets there.

And, as an aside, for my loyal readers, do you have a picture in your mind's eye of the DI? Well, naturally, I do. He's inspired by my late uncle, Sonny Russell, who I remember as a lovely, cheerful man, always with a smile playing about his lips.